Dtm Urban Dictionary (2025)

1. dtm - Urban Dictionary

  • DTM Stands for "Doin too much." When an individual takes on more than can be handeled. (ie. tasks, conversations, commitments,etc.)

  • Dtm is a short saying for and I quote "Doing too much"

2. DTM's - Urban Dictionary

  • DTM means "Don't tell Mom!" A quick way to remind siblings that what you are sharing isn't for Mom to hear. DTM is most often by teenagers as well as adults ...

  • "Down to match", referring to be able to match with someone else on a blunt of cannabis. Having $5 and wanting to be high.

3. Down to Mash(DTM) - Urban Dictionary

  • When a girl is DTF(down to fuck) but will go farther and is kind of a freak so you say she is down to mash.

  • When a girl is DTF(down to fuck) but will go farther and is kind of a freak so you say she is down to mash. mash being something crazy freaky. the mash is when a girl is down to let you make mash potato's inside of her then pour it out or eat it out of her directly and eat it. bacon bits and chives are optional

4. DTM - Urban Dictionary

  • A very large quantity in an unusual number or configuration (otherwise it would be an ordinary/English buttload). Compare: metric shitload and metric fuckton, ...

  • A very large quantity in an unusual number or configuration (otherwise it would be an ordinary/English buttload). Compare: metric shitload and metric fuckton, which both designate a very large, but expected, quantity.

5. What is the meaning of dtm? - AmazingTalker

  • Missing: urban | Show results with:urban

  • DTM is an acronym which stands for "doing too much or dead to me." An acronym according to Google dictionary, "is an a

What is the meaning of dtm? - AmazingTalker

6. DTM - Slang/Internet Slang - Acronym Finder

7. Doin' The Most - Urban Dictionary

  • When someone is just over-exaggerating, trying to draw a lot of attention, or putting themselves out there in a needy manner.

8. gtfafm dtm - Urban Dictionary

  • GTFAFM DTM means Like what caelan would say to victoria or marilyn while txting. by vic and mar the awesomes June 28, 2011. Flag · Get the gtfafm dtm mug.

  • get the f*** away from me dont touch me

9. DTM Definition | GIS Dictionary - Esri Support

  • Missing: urban | Show results with:urban

  • See: digital terrain model

DTM Definition | GIS Dictionary - Esri Support

10. DTM mug - Urban Dictionary Store

  • Urban Dictionary mug with the word 'DTM'

11. do the mcqueen (dtm) - Urban Dictionary

  • To bust out of an enclosure. For instance, refer to Steve McQueen escaping from a German POW camp (from the movie The Great Escape).

  • To bust out of an enclosure. For instance, refer to Steve McQueen escaping from a German POW camp (from the movie The Great Escape). Refer scene where he jumps a barbed wire with a motor bike fence to freedom.

12. DTM Definition - Law Insider

DTM Definition - Law Insider

13. Your first name - Urban Dictionary

  • And for the record, Urban Dictionary is officially declaring you DTM- aka Dead To Me. Which means you are kicked out of any upcoming parties and excluded ...

  • You saw that it told you to look up "your first name" so you did now there can be 2 ways you got here you're being a smartass you're blonde

14. Displacement Tracking Matrix: Home

  • How does it all work? Read more. Identifying Data Needs. Methodology Definition ... DTM Central Data Dictionary. A tool to improve the Global DTM systems ...

15. GTFAFM - Urban Dictionary

  • GTFAFM DTM means Like what caelan would say to victoria or marilyn while txting. by vic and mar the awesomes June 28, 2011.

  • Get The Fuck Away From Me!

16. [PDF] DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, November 2021

  • standard dictionary definition often applies. The following is a lengthy but ... DTM directive-type memorandum. DTO drug trafficking organization. DTPA.

17. DTM - Definition by AcronymFinder

  • What does DTM stand for? ; DTM, Dyed to Match (used in garment industry for matching an existing colour) ; DTM, Digital Terrain Map ; DTM · Demographic Transition ...

  • 79 definitions of DTM. Meaning of DTM. What does DTM stand for? DTM abbreviation. Define DTM at AcronymFinder.com

18. tmb - Urban Dictionary

  • dtm (you get it now?) Friend #1 : don't do that. Friend #2: sorry, mom. ... Get the tmb mug.

  • Take me back. Used when reminiscing on a positive memory; a more logical form of tbt.

19. [PDF] Acronyms Abbreviations &Terms - FEMA Training

  • ... Definition. DTE. Disaster Temporary Employee. DTED. Digital Terrain Elevation Data. DTG. Date-Time Group. DTIC. Defense Technical Information Center. DTM.


  • Feb 9, 2011 · Australasian Urban and Regional Information Systems Assn. AUSDEC ... DTM, Digital Terrain Model (or Modeling). DTOP, Digital Topographic ...

  • Dictionary

21. MFH - Urban Dictionary

  • MFH runs DTM and that's a fact! They have many haters worldwide wanting to be them. Lokoe is the most feared farmer there ever was. Niisty (Lokoes young) ...

  • An acronym which letters stand for "masturbating from home". This is a corruption of the original corporate office environment acronym for "working from home", and was conceptually derived from the obvious incorporation of masturbation 'breaks' taken by those working in their home environs during the workday.

22. DTM - What does DTM stand for? The Free Dictionary

  • DTM ; DTM, Data Transfer Mechanism ; DTM, Dynamic synchronous Transfer Mode (Dynarc/Net Insight) ; DTM, Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft (German auto racing).

  • What does DTM stand for?

DTM - What does DTM stand for? The Free Dictionary

23. DTM definition | The Free Automotive Dictionary

  • DTM definition. Diagnostic Test Mode. [SAE J1930]. Related terms. IASCA Kaiser TC OBO MCU. Automotive Dictionary Index. Automotive terms beginning with "D", ...

  • DTM according to the free Automotive Dictionary.

Dtm Urban Dictionary (2025)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.